Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ada Apa Dengan Poyo

I think Malaysians (mostly people who live in the city) have been plagued by a certain kind of mental illness. It's not literally an illness but it's definitely *mental* in some way. This penyakit is called penyakit trying-too-hard. It looks like everybody's trying so hard to look rich. I am not sure if it's because of peer pressure or because their parents never taught them any sense of substance. Banyak cara diorg try nak nampak kaya. Clothes, cars, house, shoes, bags etc etc. But mainly, it's all about BRANDING.

It's pretty okay if they brand themselves with WHAT they are, WHO they are as a person. But everybody's parading around with someone else's name on their bodies. Louis Vuitton (pronounced as *Loo-EE VUEE-tow* for all you posers who don't even know how to mention the name correctly) , Gucci, Prada, Armani, CK, Ralph Lauren for instance. These are labels that I can easily call overrated names (but not overrated quality) that most wannabes are familiar with. There are hundreds other designer labels I would like to mention here but let's just stick with these few names.

Now, for all you wannabe's, please don't go prancing around raving how much you're bidding for that out-of-date Prada handbag. Or how much you're eyeing on this Armani sandals/slippers or shoes that are actually considered the cheapest ass item you can grab in the pret-a-porter outlet. You can brag to your friends, but don't torture the people you're not close with. It doesn't create an impression. It only creates nausea. Nobody is interested in what you're gonna buy. Unless the other person is a wannabe like you.

If you're really not a wannabe, you shouldn't be afraid to show what designer label you buy. The real deal people will know their game. And they won't go TERKINJA-KINJA trying to make a statement that they belong in that posh group. They already are. They don't HAVE to say anything. They walk into the room, it's already in them. Top to toe. They open their mouth and you know they are class. The assistants at the stores are already familiar with them. People in that society are already familiar with them. They are at the right place. So that's why they don't behave like you posers. And real deal gals who wear real deal clothes can snap their fingers and just buy Emanuel Ungaro anytime of the year without having to count the cents they make each month. You posers who have to starve and stay at home just to buy some ugly auntie-auntie looking bag should just try harder if you wanna fit into that society, or don't try at all.Because you will lose in the end. In my case, you will never be in that league if you keep on with that behaviour. Obsessed about the aesthetics but no substance at all. Sooner or later, you'll be found out, and nobody would wanna associate with you. A Fake. Maybe that 1 or 2 clothing item of yours aren't fake. But sadly, YOU ARE THE FAKE.

And that is the worst branding of all.

This goes out to other people who are also brand crazy over OTHER things besides clothes. The main point is, if you're too brand conscious NOTHING gets out of you. The things you use are supposed to compliment you. Meaning you already have a personality or a skill at first. THEN these things are supposed to enhance your personality or skills. But if you don't have any brains from the start, whatever you choose or wear will not have chemistry with your body, and it will all look so wrong. Your first impression might sound power, but as time goes by, or worst still, for experts, they'll get to sniff you. And they'll know it's all just for show. You'll end up at square one. Stupid shit salary, and keep on starving to death just to buy all those expensive things you actually cannot afford. But hey, you wont admit it. Not even to yourself. In denial. Here's a lesson from all us career and financially wise people. GET A GRIP. Especially to all you kiddy poo's who just got a job or are still using your parents' money.

FAKE ASS. And just so you know, the bag above is a fake. Just like you wannabe's. You may look alright, but your insides will wear out pretty soon.

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